The Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) is a co-creation process that invites extensive collaboration between USAID and the private sector to solve global challenges.

GDA APS Process

STEP 1: Explore Interests. During this stage, the private sector, USAID, and other organizations explore each other’s interests and objectives, identify issues and opportunities for collaboration, and examine how they might leverage their respective expertise, resources, and capabilities to effectively address those issues through market-based approaches. Based on these discussions, USAID will indicate whether the GDA APS is an appropriate way to explore and potentially develop further collaboration.

STEP 2: Propose Concept. If the prospective partners determine that the initial ideas warrant further exploration under the GDA APS, the private sector and core partners will develop and submit a concept outlining the proposed GDA, including potential partner roles and responsibilities and anticipated activities.

STEP 3: Develop & Refine GDA Concept. During the “Develop and Refine” stage, the partners will engage in detailed design discussions aimed at jointly determining specific activities to be conducted under the GDA, as well as the specific partner roles and responsibilities needed to ensure successful implementation of the GDA. 

STEP 4: Develop MOU & Application. As the details of the GDA emerge through the co-creation process, USAID will begin developing a Memorandum of Understanding with the core private sector partners. USAID will also ask partners to provide the information needed for USAID to make an award that advances the objectives of the GDA. This is often done through a request for a full application, but other approaches may be taken.

STEP 5: Finalize Agreements. If the discussions and reviews conducted result in a decision to enter into a GDA, USAID will seek to negotiate and finalize appropriate agreements. These will include a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the private sector partner(s) and one or more award agreements.  USAID may enter into award agreements with the private sector partners or other partners to the GDA, such as a nongovernmental organization.  The entity entering into an award agreement will receive  USAID funding to implement activities that advance the goals and objectives of the GDA. 

More Information

Review the Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS).

If prospective partners have any questions about the private sector leverage requirement or the distinction between leverage and cost-share, please feel free to contact the GDA APS Activity Manager at

Global Development Alliance