At USAID Ethiopia our portfolio seeks to expand our engagement with the private sector to improve economic empowerment of women and youth. USAID Ethiopia works with private sector actors and non-government entities across all sectors to develop and implement a strategy to engage the private sector at scale to sustain development progress through ongoing USG mechanisms, new USAID activity designs, and new USG interagency interventions/instruments. 

USAID supports and promotes development that leverages the collective power of the

  • private sector and non-traditional, non-government entities as partners in development.
  • USAID/Ethiopia's development strategy looks to focus on private sector-led inclusive
  • economic growth, resilience, and nutrition.

Additional resources:

USAID private sector engagement 

USAID localization - Catalyzing and supporting local change Corporate Partnering Portal

See Also

Doing Business With Us

Owner of Anan Dairy in Hawassa, Ethiopia shows off his dairy cows
Private Sector Engagement