Transitioning to a more democratic, prosperous, and resilient society, with accountable institutions and private-sector led growth.

The goal for USAID/Ethiopia’s 2019-2024 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) is: Ethiopia transitions to a more democratic, prosperous, and resilient society, with accountable institutions and private-sector led growth. To achieve this goal, USAID/Ethiopia will partner with the Government of Ethiopia (GOE), other donors, the private sector, and civil society across sectors to address challenges in the areas of democracy, demographics, and disasters that threaten the country’s Journey to Self-Reliance (JTSR). 

Seizing the opportunity presented by the Ethiopian government’s ongoing democratic reforms, USAID/Ethiopia will support inclusive and credible elections (expected in 2020) and respond to reform-related requests from GOE institutions, in particular, the justice system. USAID will support the expansion and strengthening of civil society and the capabilities of an increasingly independent media to hold government accountable. The Mission will work with the GOE, civil society, and communities to prevent and mitigate conflicts that undermine governance relationships, threaten reforms, and impede efforts to improve service delivery. 


With a greater focus on private sector investment, a diversified economy, and increased employment opportunities, the Mission will support Ethiopia to withstand the pressures of its rapidly growing, urbanizing, and youthful population. USAID will support reforms that will unleash the power of the private sector to meet these increasing demographic pressures, as well as the expectations of a government that has announced its intent to move away from a state-led economy. Ethiopia will be a reliable partner for U.S. trade and investment and continue to serve as a force for stability in the Horn of Africa.

As education, health, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) service delivery systems buckle under demographic weight and the stress of internal displacements in multiple regions, USAID will work with partners to support service delivery in the short-term, while improving systems, introducing innovations, and building institutions in the medium to long-term. Getting basic services right, particularly for women and girls, is fundamental to developing an able and qualified workforce with an improved quality of life. It will also be critical to sustaining popular support for ongoing economic and political reforms.

To get ahead of perennial humanitarian crises caused by ethnic conflict, climate, and infectious diseases, USAID/Ethiopia will reinforce GOE efforts at various levels to effectively and efficiently anticipate, plan for, mitigate, and respond to disasters. In addition, the Mission will support channels to address the grievances and triggers that lead to violent conflict, in collaboration with communities and civil society. Strengthened disaster risk management capabilities, in addition to investments that boost the resilience of vulnerable regions, communities, and households, will reduce the need for external humanitarian assistance, and alleviate pressures that undermine Ethiopia’s democratic and economic progress. This will enhance Ethiopia’s self-reliance.           

This CDCS was developed and finalized in 2020 as COVID-19 became a global pandemic. USAID/Ethiopia will continue to monitor its potential impact and if needed, the Mission will re-evaluate the strategic approach. On May 24, 2024, the Mission extended the current CDCS through January 2025.