
For more than 60 years, USAID has worked with the government of Ecuador to support the construction of important infrastructure, including roads and potable water systems; create jobs for tens of thousands of Ecuadorians; provide scholarships for higher education; build nearly 1,000 schools; conserve biodiversity-rich areas, such as​ ​in the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon; increase sustainable agricultural production; improve health and public services delivery; extend financial services to thousands of migrants, and Ecuadorians in rural areas; strengthen citizen security; and reinforce transparency.

USAID has worked with Ecuador since 1961 to advance Ecuador’s economic and social development, conserve its biodiversity, respond to natural disasters, and enrich the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ecuadorians.

Over the last 60 years, USAID supported the construction of important infrastructure, including roads and potable water systems; created jobs for tens of thousands of Ecuadorians; provided scholarships for higher education; built nearly 1,000 schools; conserved biodiversity-rich areas, such as​ ​in the Galapagos Islands; increased agricultural production; improved health service delivery; and extended financial services to thousands of Ecuadorians in rural areas.

Although USAID closed its bilateral Mission in Quito in September 2014, it continued to support important programming to improve the lives of the Ecuadorian people through regional activities focused on environmental conservation and mitigating the drivers of climate change.

In 2019, USAID re-initiated its partnership with the Government of Ecuador (GOE) through a Memorandum of Understanding.

In 2020, USAID signed a Development Assistance Agreement (DOAG) with the Government of Ecuador (GOE) and re-opened an office in Quito. As a result, USAID expanded its bilateral and regional programs in the country.

In June 2023, an amendment to the DOAG extended the agreement from 2025 to 2030, and increased USAID contribution to $163.7 million.

USAID’s programming continues to be catalytic for Ecuador’s development by building local capacity while expanding partnerships with domestic and international stakeholders, such as the private sector, other donor countries, diverse Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and academia.

USAID helps to transform lives and communities enabling them to thrive and prosper.

Boy drinking water

USAID invested in potable water systems.