USAID Djibouti strengthens citizen participation and advocacy for more responsive governance. USAID is also building the capacity of Djiboutian civil social organizations to engage with regional councils and local communities. USAID partners with the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Decentralization, and the Ministry of Women's Affairs to reinforce decentralization.


Djibouti is preparing for a future in which all of its citizens can compete and engage in a rapidly changing global economy. In response to the high unemployment rate and lack of soft and technical skills, the Government of Djibouti identified the need for skills development and internship programs to better prepare the workforce. Advancing these skills will not only provide jobs, but better prepare youth to fulfill private sector needs.


Shocks such as drought and flooding have increased food insecurity in Djibouti. USAID is addressing humanitarian needs through emergency food assistance, complementary nutrition interventions, and livelihood programming--including emergency cash and in-kind food assistance--to Djiboutians, refugees and other vulnerable communities.


Djibouti has an abundance of solar, wind, and geothermal natural resources. USAID is facilitating private sector investment in Djibouti's energy sector to ensure sustainability and support the country's path to energy independence.

Diversifying energy:
Access to affordable, reliable electricity is also a key constraint to Djibouti’s economic growth and development.  At twice the African regional average, energy costs are among the highest worldwide. Power outages are frequent and the country’s electrification rate is estimated at 50 percent. Despite these challenges, Djibouti has an abundance of solar, wind, and geothermal natural resources. USAID is facilitating private sector investment in Djibouti’s energy sector to ensure sustainability and support the country's path to energy independence. 

USAID is partnering with the Ministry of Energy and national energy provider to increase technical capacity and increase renewal energy. Through public-private partnerships, USAID is bringing off-grid electrical power and atmospheric generated water to rural areas via solar-powered rentable batteries. USAID is also facilitating U.S. investment in Djibouti’s energy sector to transform waste to clean energy, producing base-load electricity from Djibouti’s power grid. USAID funding will establish training centers throughout Djibouti to support energy plants.


Gender is a cross-cutting issue in all USAID activities. Inequality between men and women in Djibouti stems from deep-rooted social and cultural norms, and limits women’s access to economic opportunities and resources. A Djiboutian woman’s ability to take advantage of opportunities and resources is further curtailed due to low education levels. Consequently, women’s participation and influence in decision-making at the national level is minimal.

Djiboutians celebrate the opening of a clinic funded by USAID
Lt. Col. Leslie Pratt/USAFRICOM

USAID Economic Recovery & Reform Activity


USAID ERRA will facilitate trade along economic corridors, deepening regional integration, and support inclusivity through women in trade and decreasing the time and cost of trade, boosting exports, and creating jobs.

USAID/Djibouti Pilot Solar Activity


USAID is facilitating private sector investment in Djibouti’s energy sector to ensure sustainability and support the country's path to energy independence, including the hardest to reach areas.

USAID/Djibouti Renewable Energy Activity


USAID is facilitating private sector investment in Djibouti’s energy sector to ensure sustainability and support the country's path to energy independence.