Entrepreneurs in Colombia's Bajo Cauca region face steep barriers to building their businesses. Enduring decades of internal conflict, illicit crops, illegal mining, and the presence of armed criminal groups, the region has experienced an increase in social disparities and economic inequality.

Yet the turmoil hasn't stopped business owner Patricia Sierra. For over 35 years, she and her mother and sister made school uniforms and suits to sell at the local market. After her father passed away in 2016, Patricia and her family invested all their working capital in launching the Enemar Confecciones workshop in the trade neighborhood of Caucasia.

"I didn't inherit my sister's sewing abilities, but I have always dreamt of creating my own business and establishing a locally recognized brand," said Patricia.

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Patricia Sierra, an entrepreneur who made face masks during the pandemic.
Patricia Sierra, an entrepreneur who made face masks during the pandemic.
Rio Abajo Organization
Colombia stories