Bujumbura, Burundi – The United States and Burundi work in partnership to provide malaria services that save lives and support thriving communities.

Programs implemented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with funding from the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), have been helping Burundi fight malaria since 2010, contributing $112 million to date, and $11 million in Fiscal Year 2022.

Investments in malaria prevention and treatment tools, along with the training and equipping of health workers, advanced Burundi’s progress against the disease while strengthening the health system. Assisted by PMI investments, Burundi used proven and cost-effective methods to keep people safe from malaria and help families forge a more healthy and prosperous future.

We recognize the achievements, but also the challenges that lie ahead. More work and funding are needed to provide a more comprehensive response and eliminate malaria.

The United States is proud to announce that Burundi has officially become a PMI partner country.

With additional PMI funding of $3 million in 2023 alone, USAID will deliver malaria services and commodities to communities across Burundi, train health workers for prevention, testing and treatment, and work in partnership with the Government of Burundi towards the shared goal of eradicating malaria.

“USAID, thanks to funding from PMI, provides mosquito nets and medicines, and improves early detection and treatment of malaria in Burundi. These interventions have contributed to the decline of malaria cases. With Burundi becoming a PMI country, we will see a more evidence-based and robust response, and better results. We will save more lives and prevent malaria cases among the most vulnerable populations in high burden provinces,” says Paul Richardson, the USAID/Burundi Country Representative.

U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator Dr. David Walton said, “The United States is proud of our work with Burundi to help people live free from the threat of malaria. By working together, building stronger and more resilient frontline health systems, and supporting local communities to lead the fight against the disease, we can defeat malaria once and for all.”  

For more information, please contact PAOBujumbura@state.gov.

About PMI: The U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) supports 24 partner countries in sub-Saharan Africa and 3 programs across the Greater Mekong Subregion in Southeast Asia to control and eliminate malaria. Led by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented together with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PMI delivers cost-effective, lifesaving malaria interventions—such as insecticide-treated bed nets, indoor residual spraying, and essential medicines—and invests in health workers and health systems to accelerate the global fight against this deadly disease. Thanks to the generosity of the American people, PMI benefits more than 700 million people each year.

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