USAID/Bangladesh’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2020-2027 presents USAID’s approach to furthering Bangladesh’s development. The strategy acknowledges Bangladesh’s challenges and leverages its assets as an important and longstanding development partner. The CDCS Goal is “Bangladesh is a more Inclusive, Democratic, Prosperous, and Resilient Indo-Pacific Partner.”

Through this strategy, USAID builds on past work in economic growth, education, health, energy, environment, climate change, food security, disaster preparedness, and democracy, human rights, and good governance using programming approaches that capitalize on the interdependence of development sectors. 

The CDCS focuses on inclusive and integrated development efforts to drive greater impact across four Development Objectives:

  • DO 1: Democracy Strengthened for an Inclusive Society
  • DO 2: Sustainable Economic Growth Fostered
  • DO 3: Human Capital Development Advanced
  • DO 4: Strengthened Resilience to Climate Change and Other Shocks

This CDCS was developed and finalized in 2020. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, USAID re-evaluated the strategy in 2023 and amended the plan to address evolving needs through 2027. 

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