For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

The below is attributable to Acting Spokesperson Shejal Pulivarti:‎

Today, Administrator Power arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, the first stop on a multi-day trip to East Africa where she will meet with government, civil society, humanitarian, and private sector representatives to discuss the region’s unprecedented drought and speak to Kenyans about the resulting hunger crisis made worse by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Administrator Power began her visit by laying a wreath at the United States Embassy memorial site dedicated to the victims of the 1998 bombing. She then held a town hall with U.S. Embassy colleagues alongside Chargé d’Affaires Eric Kneedler and Acting USAID Mission Director in Kenya Bert Ubamadu. Administrator Power thanked U.S. Embassy personnel for continuing to strengthen the U.S.-Kenya bilateral relationship, even in the face of challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. Administrator Power also met separately with local staff from the USAID/Kenya and USAID/Somalia missions to thank them for their dedication and commitment to USAID’s mission in Kenya and Somalia.

The Administrator then met with representatives from the Government of Kenya’s National Multi-Agency Committee on Drought Management and Response, led by the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs, Margaret Kobia. She and C.S. Kobia reinforced the strong partnership between the U.S. and Kenya and their joint commitment to expand the delivery of critical humanitarian and livelihood support to the most vulnerable Kenyans in the face of this historic drought. Following the meeting, Administrator Power announced the provision of $255 million in U.S. humanitarian and development assistance to the people of Kenya. The Administrator also met with the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Mutahi Kagwe, to discuss reforms in Kenya's health sector and reaffirm the strong U.S.-Kenyan partnership to address public health challenges.

Administrator Power met with civil society leaders who are promoting human rights, accountability, and democracy in Kenya. She reinforced U.S. government support for free, fair, and peaceful elections in August and a peaceful transfer of power, and highlighted the crucial role that civil society plays in democratic societies. She also heard from these leaders on steps to prevent and mitigate election-related violence, and opportunities to help strengthen Kenya’s democratic institutions.

The Administrator closed out the day by meeting with USAID humanitarian partners focused on responding to the “perfect storm” of drought, disruptions resulting from Putin’s war in Ukraine and the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. They discussed opportunities to scale up assistance to the most vulnerable, the need for others in the international community to step up to meet the staggering needs in Kenya and throughout the Horn of Africa, and committed to investing in resilience and climate adaptation to reduce the risk of future crises. 


Administrator Samantha Power Travels to East Africa

USAID’s Global Food Security Response

Samantha Power 2022 Global Food Crisis Administrator Samantha Power Travels to East Africa #COVID19