Duration: January 2017 – September 2024
Total Funding: $110 million


Representing a long partnership between the United States and Government of the Republic of Angola (GRA), the USAID Health for All (HFA) project provides targeted, evidence-based interventions in malaria, and family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH). HFA’s overarching goal is to improve access to quality health care by strengthening local capacity to deliver services.

The HFA project works with the Government of the Republic of Angola (GRA) Ministry of Health’s National Directorate of Public Health (DNSP), National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), and Primary Healthcare Department (PHCD) to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of GRA’s resources as it satisfies the health needs of its population, especially the most vulnerable.

PROGRAMS AND GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS AREAS:                                      

  • U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) – Central-level support; Focus Provinces of Cuanza Norte, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Malange, Uige and Zaire
  • USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) – Huambo, Luanda, Lunda Sul and Malange




  • Strengthening the quality of diagnosis and treatment of malaria, including the capacity to complete malaria laboratory diagnosis;

  • Training health workers to effectively diagnose and treat malaria and technicians on intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy and on case management during pregnancy;

  • Procurement and Implementation of mass campaign to distribute bed nets once every 3 years in focus provinces and support the routine distribution;

  • Procurement, storage, and distribution of tests and antimalarials in focus provinces;

  • Support developing behavior change communication strategy for malaria prevention and awareness, drugs uptake, bed nets use and care;

  • Roll out of integrated case management at the community level through the ADECOS program, expanding from four to six focus provinces;  

  • Reinforcing institutional capacity of the NMCP;

  • Improving Angola’s DHIS2 platform for malaria surveillance and reporting;

  • Improving logistics skills and electronic management information systems;  

  • Support the GRA in the design and implementation of operational research to orient policy and evidence based strategic programing.                           

Family Planning and Reproductive Health (RH): 

  • Support FP/RH counseling and services by strengthening GRA health providers’ capacity;
  • Generate demand for voluntary FP/RH services through improved health messages and behavior change communication;
  • Improve youth friendly FP/RH services;
  • Support the introduction of FP module into the Provincial Nursing Schools’ curriculum and on the Kassai e-learning platform.


  • The project is credited with contributing to a 50% decrease in malaria deaths nationwide between 2016 and 2019
  • Contributing to 50% decrease in malaria deaths nationwide between 2016 and 2019;
  • A decrease in malaria deaths of 15 % in six PMI focus provinces and 9% countrywide in 2022 in comparison with 2021;
  • Almost 19 million Angolans protected by mass campaign house-to-house distribution of over 10 million bed nets, and approximately 1 million Angolans were reached through a digital malaria social behavior change and prevention campaign;
  • Over 15,000 health workers trained in malaria case management, malaria laboratory diagnosis, and malaria in pregnancy – Results shown an improve on malaria diagnostics and treatment;
  • Over130,000 people were tested, 87,571 treated through PMI support at community level from 2018 to 2023;
  • Supported the MoH for the transition from paper-based reporting of health data to digital health information systems (DHIS2 and OpenLMIS).


  • Contributed to increase Angola’s contraceptive coverage from 9.4% to 30% in 2021;
  • Contributed to increase the coverage of health units offering at least three modern methods of family planning, from 12.1% in 2018 to 60% in 2021;
  • Over 300,000 people, including adolescents, have received FP/RH counseling and services in Huambo, Luanda, Lunda Sul and Malanje;
  • Over 1.2 million people were reached through a FP behavior communication change via social media campaigns;
  • 111 teachers from technical nursing schools were certified on Family Planning;
  • 3 new FP courses were developed and introduced on Kassai e-learning platform.