
USAID/Guatemala Locally Led Development Annual Program Statement (APS)

APS Addendum #2 Local Education Strengthening

USAID/Guatemala seeks to strengthen local educational organizations to improve learning outcomes for primary school students. Using Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) and similar targeted instruction methodologies, local education organizations will be able to provide targeted support to primary schools and teachers, increase math and literacy levels for students, and strengthen relationships with the local education sector and community

  • Virtual Informational Meeting (optional): June 13, 2024 at 2:30pm.
  • Deadline to submit questions: June 20, 2024
  • Deadline to apply: July 22, 2024 at 10:00am Guatemala time

We have extended the application deadline to July 22, 2024 at 10:00am Guatemala time

Period of Performance and Funding

Activity period is for a maximum of three years with an emphasis on rapid implementation.

Applications can be for funding no less than $150,000 and no more than $1.5 million.


USAID/Guatemala will prioritize approaches that support education organizations to acquire the tools and knowledge to implement the TaRL methodology, also adapted as Medición Independiente de Aprendizajes (MIA) in Mesoamerica. TaRL, developed by the Indian NGO Pratham, aims to build foundational skills in math and reading for all children before completing primary school. 

Organizations do not need prior experience in TaRL implementation to apply, however applicants should familiarize themselves with the methodology prior to applying.

Applicants may choose to collaborate with an organization or institution experienced in TaRL implementation during the application and potential implementation periods. If applicants are invited to the co-creation phase after submitting a successful Concept Note, USAID/Guatemala can provide technical training on TaRL implementation. 

Applicants must be able to implement in schools and/or communities and partner with teachers, local and international organizations, and the Ministry of Education.

Organizations must demonstrate strong interest and commitment to not only implementing TaRL during the activity period but also in sustaining this approach in the future.

APS Addendum #2

To read 2024 APS Addendum #2 please visit our page below.

APS Addendum #1

To read 2023 APS Addendum #1 please visit our page below.

Eligibility & Submission Instructions


Eligibility for this APS is restricted to local organizations that meet the criteria below (based on USAID definition of local organizations):

  1. Must be incorporated or legally organized under the laws of Guatemala;
  2. Must have its principal place of business in Guatemala;
  3. Must be more than 50% beneficially owned by individuals who are citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of Guatemala;
  4. Must be managed by a governing body, of which at least 50% of the members are citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of Guatemala.

Application and Submission Information

Selection under this APS will be based on a three-step process:

  1. Concept note submissions. Open to all eligible organizations. Applicants must first submit a concept note for review. All concept papers will be evaluated according to the merit review criteria in the APS Addendum #2.
  2. Co-creation. USAID/Guatemala will invite selected applicant(s) to enter a period of co-creation, in which they will collaborate on and refine approaches with USAID/Guatemala. Selected applicants will then submit full applications.
  3. Full application submissions. By invitation only to applicants selected from the concept note submissions. Full applications will be evaluated according to the merit review criteria in the RFA.

Interested organizations should read the entire USAID/Guatemala Locally Led Development Annual Program Statement (APS), as well as Addendum #2 Local Education Strengthening, and follow the instructions for submitting a concept note in response to Addendum 2.

Concept notes can be submitted in English or Spanish. 

Concept notes must be submitted before July 12th at 10:00am Guatemala time. 

For More Information

USAID/Guatemala will host one pre-application meeting. You are not required to attend this meeting to submit a Concept Note. 

  • Date: June 13, 2024
  • Time: 2:30pm


Questions regarding this APS Addendum 2 should be submitted in writing to no later than June 20, 2024.

  • Anthony Raneses, Agreements Officer
  • Carolina Villegas, Senior Acquisition and Assistance Specialist 
  • Maria Jose Reyes, Acquisition and Assistance Specialist