
<p>Janar 2016 - Si ekspert n&euml; fush&euml;n e teknologjis&euml; informative, Elvin Mala e dinte se shum&euml; pun&euml;dh&euml;n&euml;s ishin t&euml; etur t&euml; pun&euml;sojn&euml; pun&euml;tor&euml; t&euml; cil&euml;t jan&euml; specialist t&euml; auditimit t&euml; TI-s&euml;. Pun&euml;dh&euml;n&euml;si i tij, Departamenti i Thesarit i Ministris&euml; s&euml; Financave t&euml; Kosov&euml;s, ka k&euml;rkuar t&euml; b&euml;het nj&euml; kontroll i mir&euml;fillt&euml; i sistemeve t&euml; saj t&euml; TI-s&euml;.</p>
<p>Ai k&euml;rkonte nj&euml; program p&euml;r t&euml; studiuar p&euml;r auditimin e sistemeve t&euml; TI-s&euml;, por e kuptoi se n&euml; Kosov&euml; nuk ofrohen programe t&euml; tilla. Kur d&euml;gjoi p&euml;r Programin e Lidershipit Transformues t&euml; USAID-it, vendosi t&euml; aplikoj. Programi ofron mund&euml;si p&euml;r t&euml; studiuar n&euml; Shtetet e Bashkuara t&euml; Amerik&euml;s p&euml;r Diplom&euml; Master ose p&euml;r Certifikat&euml; Profesionale.</p>
<p>Pas nj&euml; procesi konkurrues me ese dhe intervistat, Mala mb&euml;rriti n&euml; Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) n&euml; &Ccedil;ikago n&euml; janar t&euml; vitit 2015. Vet&euml;m pes&euml; muaj m&euml; von&euml;, ai u b&euml; pjes&euml;marr&euml;si i par&euml; i k&euml;tij programi q&euml; u kthye n&euml; Kosov&euml;. &quot;Po shikoi se si t&euml; rritet vet&euml;dijesimi p&euml;r menaxhim t&euml; mir&euml;fillt&euml; t&euml; TI-se&quot;, thot&euml; Mala. &quot;Ka shum&euml; investime n&euml; TI, por jo edhe mbik&euml;qyrje t&euml; duhur.&quot;</p>
<p>Tani ai &euml;sht&euml; p&euml;rgatitur mir&euml; p&euml;r t&euml; kryer kontrolle p&euml;r sigurin&euml; e rrjetit dhe mbrojtjen e t&euml; dh&euml;nave nga krimit kibernetik. Ai shkroi punimin e tij k&euml;rkimor p&euml;r aplikimin e standardeve ISACA (the Information Systems Audit and Control Association) n&euml; nivel t&euml; qeveris&euml; t&euml;dhe tani &euml;sht&euml; duke e b&euml;r&euml; ket&euml; n&euml; Departamentin e Thesarit t&euml; Kosov&euml;s.</p>
<p>ISACA l&euml;shon certifikat&euml;n si Auditor i Certifikuar i Sistemeve t&euml; Informacionit, apo CISA, q&euml; njihet n&euml; mbar&euml; bot&euml;n. Mala &euml;sht&euml; duke u p&euml;rgatitur p&euml;r provim dhe pret t&euml; themeloj deg&euml;n e par&euml; t&euml; ISACA n&euml; Kosov&euml;, sapo t&euml; ket&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; profesionist&euml; me p&euml;rvoj&euml;n dhe akreditimet q&euml; i k&euml;rkojn&euml; aq shum&euml; pun&euml;dh&euml;n&euml;s.</p>
<p>Edhe Yll Zagragja ka marr&euml; certifikat&euml; profesionale p&euml;rmes Programit t&euml; Lidershipit Transformues, por ai studioi kontabilitetin financiar t&euml; korporatave n&euml; UCLA. Ai kishte ofruar sh&euml;rbime t&euml; kontabilitetit p&euml;rmes kompanis&euml; s&euml; tij p&euml;r 10 vite me radh&euml;. Tani, ai beson se certifikata e tij do t&rsquo;i ndihmoj&euml; t&euml; rris besimin e tij te investitor&euml;t e huaj.</p>
<p>Edhe pse ka marr&euml; certifikat&euml;n profesionale, ai mendon se njer&euml;zit do ta respektojn&euml; at&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; tani me zhvillimin e shpejt&euml; dhe rritjen e ekonomis&euml; s&euml; Kosov&euml;.</p>
<p>&quot;N&euml; aspektin e biznesit, un&euml; tashm&euml; kam filluar ta shfryt&euml;zoj certifikat&euml;n e re. Jam duke biseduar me nj&euml; investitor amerikan,&quot; thot&euml; ai, duke theksuar se investitori i huaj ishte m&euml; i interesuar t&euml; flas&euml; me t&euml; pasi ky kishte marr&euml; certifikat&euml;n.</p>
<p>P&euml;r fush&euml;n e tij thot&euml; t&euml; jet&euml; i k&euml;naqur q&euml; kishte vendosur t&euml; marr&euml; certifikat&euml;n profesionale. &quot;Un&euml; njoh njer&euml;z edhe me diploma Master, por ata q&euml; kan&euml; certifikata profesionale duket se e vler&euml;sojn&euml; at&euml; m&euml; shum&euml;&quot;, thot&euml; Zagragja. &quot;Po ashtu, &euml;sht&euml; m&euml; leht&euml; t&euml; jesh larg p&euml;r nj&euml; koh&euml; m&euml; t&euml; shkurt&euml;r.&quot;</p>
<p>Q&euml;llimi i Programit t&euml; Lidershipit Transformues, i cili u zhvillua nga muaji shkurt 2014 dhe do vazhdoj deri n&euml; shkurt 2019, &euml;sht&euml; rritja e numrit t&euml; profesionist&euml;ve t&euml; arsimuar p&euml;r t&euml; p&euml;rforcuar kalimin e Kosov&euml;s n&euml; nj&euml; ekonomi demokratike dhe t&euml; tregut t&euml; lir&euml;. Deri tani, 167 kosovar&euml; kan&euml; marr&euml; pjes&euml; n&euml; komponentin e bursave t&euml; k&euml;tij programi: 130 bursa n&euml; programet Master, 33 n&euml; programet p&euml;r certifikata profesionale, dhe kat&euml;r profesor&euml; jan&euml; shk&euml;mbyer me universitetet partnere. 11 tashm&euml; kan&euml; p&euml;rfunduar programet e tyre dhe jan&euml; kthyer n&euml; Kosov&euml;.</p>
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<a href="https://www.usaid.gov/where-we-work/europe-and-eurasia/kosovo">USAID&rs… mission in Kosovo</a></div>
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Video:&nbsp;<a href="https://www.usaid.gov/kosovo/newsroom/video/USAID-Kosovo-15-Years-of-Pa… Years of Partnering for Positive Change</a></div>
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,“Në aspektin e biznesit, unë tashmë kam filluar ta shfrytëzoj certifikatën e re. Jam duke biseduar me një investitor amerikan.”

Scholarship Program Enables Kosovo’s Professionals to Build Skills
Elvin Mala, right, discusses the Transformational Leadership Scholarship Program with Kosovo’s Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Arsim Bajrami.