

“What inspires me is the drive to find solutions for any woman who seeks modesty in fashion without compromising the desire to look fashionable at all occasions. I love art and working with my hands.”

Palestinian women-owned start-ups are engines for economic recovery and growth, which is what inspired Sawsan to apply for USAID’s Small and Medium Enterprise Assistance Recovery and Transition (SMART) activity. 

Sawsan started a business in Ramallah to address a gap in the market for Palestinian women who value trendy, high quality, and modest designs with a creative, handmade, artistic touch. 

Sawsan said, “SMART […] helped me put my plans into action. The financial support for my project encouraged me not to stop and not to fear unknown outcomes. My business idea is professionally presented to the community and I target customers in the market through  [guidance in] marketing and social media engagement.” 

USAID prioritizes localization and growth from within communities. Sawsan embodies this goal. “It's very important to me that we, Palestinians, make our own clothes to set our terms in fashion trends that respect our values and fulfill our needs. Local brands allow our communities to celebrate our culture.”