
“A rich library is a great window into knowledge.”  Lugjena Selimi, a high school student in Dragash, expressed this sentiment in an advocacy video posted to social media. The video aimed to catch the attention of the Dragash community and municipal administration.  

Lugjena was part of a youth advocacy group that received training from AVOKO, an organization based in Dragash, and grantee of USAID’s Community Collaboration Activity (CCA).  AVOKO taught youth how to identify common concerns and advocate for their interests.  Lugjena’s group chose to focus on the lack of books and reading space in the high school library.  With International Mother Language Day on February 21, their campaign was especially timely.  Stocking the library with books in their own language further develops youth literacy skills and enriches knowledge of their own culture.

With guidance from AVOKO, the teens submitted a written request to the municipality and prepared the advocacy video in which Lugjena spoke.  Several students in the video highlighted their favorite subjects to read about like astronomy, biology, history, fiction, and the importance of having easy access to books as well as a dedicated reading space. 

The municipality of Dragash purchased books and equipped a comfortable reading corner at the school in response to their compelling advocacy campaign.  Inspired by the municipality’s positive reaction, the youth advocacy group applied for and received a grant from UNICEF to further improve the school library’s book supply and update the interior.  

Luljena’s, and the whole group’s, advocacy efforts did much more than increase access to books and a reading space for all high school students in Dragash; it taught them that change can be achieved through effective advocacy and that their collective voice - even if it is young - can lead to meaningful improvements in their lives.

Dragash youth find the power of their voice
“A rich library is a great window into knowledge.” Lugjena Selimi, a high school student in Dragash,
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