

The Tax Administration of Kosovo’s (TAK) reported revenue collection for last year of Euro 720 million, as compared to the previous year’s Euro 598 million - a significant increase of 20 percent, due in part to USAID support.

USAID Economic Governance Activity has worked extensively with the Tax Administration of Kosovo to develop improved customer service training, digitization of taxpayer services, stronger internal controls and improved efficiencies that result in increased transparency with citizens and the private sector.  To further strengthen TAK services to taxpayers, USAID supported TAK’s introduction of three new e-services and two online seminars to improve voluntary taxpayer compliance. Additionally, four webinar-style videos for TAK Customer Service Training have been developed and uploaded in TAK's internal platform to allow for self-guided training of staff. 

With assistance from USAID Economic Governance Activity, TAK’s adopted an internal conflict of interest regulation and began to publish taxpayer complaint decisions, resulting in increased transparency and credibility with taxpayers. These reforms and improved services increase the efficiency and transparency of government operations, strengthen public financial management and facilitate inclusive governance capacities, which are at the core of USAID’s partnership with Kosovans and Kosovo institutions. 


Improved taxpayer services results in an increase in tax revenue
Online training for Tax Administration staff
Kosovo Stories