USAID CATALYZE mobilizes private capital through blended finance initiatives to meet development goals. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 8 sets out to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all. In partnership with the private sector, USAID CATALYZE helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including non-state schools, accelerate fair and inclusive progress, productivity, and prosperity through a skilled, educated, and competitive workforce.

Using performance-bases incentives, we design blended finance solutions to develop sustainable investments in businesses in sectors traditionally cut off from affordable and adequate financing. Many of these sectors, such as education, early childhood care and development, and agriculture, employ high numbers of women and youth. USAID CATALYZE uses a gender-lens investing approach to ensure viable enterprises access the financing they need to grow their business and expand opportunities for youth and women. We also partner with the private sector and local stakeholders to prepare women and youth for the workforce through on-the-job training, technical vocational training, and more.

Workforce Development