PELA II supports USAID/West Africa’s efforts to enhance democracy, peace and stability in the region by facilitating improved monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation (CLA) across USG portfolios. This will enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability of the Regional Mission and its client country teams.


PELA II supports USAID/West Africa’s role as thought leader through assessments, research, knowledge management and convening, particularly on Democracy Rights and Governance (DRG), peace promotion and preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) in the West Africa region.

PELA II provides M&E and CLA support to USG Interagency Coastal West Africa programs under the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (SPCPS) of the Global Fragility Act (GFA). Specifically, PELA II will support regional and country convening, monitoring and evaluation, learning and adapting research, and reporting successes and challenges to a broad range of stakeholders.

  • Conducting and developing analytical research (through desk and field studies) that expands knowledge and understanding critical to strategy development and decision-making;
  • Building knowledge through monitoring and evaluation;
  • Developing and implementing a Learning Agenda to provide a baseline and framework for continuous learning, knowledge sharing, strategic collaboration, and adaptive management;
  • Analyzing and sharing knowledge through collaboration and learning events; and
  • Developing communications products that convey messages and reporting to a variety of target audiences.


  • Convene learning and collaboration activities to enable USG to be introspective and responsive to dynamic contexts.
  • Conduct M&E/CLA capacity assessments and provide training and technical support.
  • Conduct M&E/CLA capacity assessments and provide training and technical support.
  • Develop communications plan and communications to a variety of internal and external audiences.
  • Conduct P/CVE, and DRG research, including data collection, analysis, and reporting. Facilitate utilization of knowledge through adaptation.

Program Information

Goal: To acquire and utilize the knowledge needed to inform USAID WA’s decisions, strategies, and initiatives to more effectively counter violent extremism, build regional resiliencies, and promote peace across West Africa.

Life of Program: October 1, 2022 - July 31, 2027

Total USAID Funding: U.S. $18.5 million

Geographic Focus: SPCPS-Coastal West Africa region including Guinea, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Benin and other West African states as needed

Implementing Partner: Khulisa Management Services Inc.