USAID Somalia a Winner in 2023 CLA Case Competition!

Wash, Rinse, Repeat: 'Ask questions, generate learning, use learning'

Somalia has faced decades of instability, intercommunal conflict, and humanitarian crises. This has resulted in a dynamic and complex operating environment. In the last two years, Somalia experienced two significant contextual shifts which directly influenced implementation and progress against the USAID Somalia CDCS development objectives. USAID Somalia's approach to Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) was dispersed and inconsistently practiced. USAID Somalia recognized that it risked ignoring unintended results and alternative causes or non-linear change. In a context like Somalia, this can mean decisions that negatively impact communities. USAID Somalia's  approach to CLA creates opportunities for staff and partners to identify the right questions, better engage with research and data, and use learning to make better decisions or adjustments.

Drafted by USAID's Stephen Okoth and Tina Byenkya - this CLA case describes two specific ways USAID Somalia is rolling out this approach: a bi-annual strategy-level Pause and Reflect, supplemented by quarterly performance reviews, and a staggered Mid-Course Stocktaking. The approach to CLA has started to create safer spaces to ask questions. USAID Somalia asks more questions around what is unknown. USAID Somalia’s approach to CLA has provided the space and time to gather evidence, reflect on evidence and make sound, unrushed decisions on adaptations and shifts to the CDCS. This approach has also served as a way for USAID Somalia to model articulation of questions, generation of learning to respond to questions, reflection on learning, and decision making.

USAID Somalia’s approach: 

  • Creates opportunities to identify the right questions

  • Deeply engage with research and data

  • Use learning to make better decisions and adjustments 

Key tools: 

  • Bi-annual strategy-level Pause and Reflect (with quarterly performance reviews)

  • Staggered Mid-Course Stock Taking  

Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Framework maturity tool. For more informations see:
Somalia Somalia Stories