
In the last 5 years there has been an exponential increase in the cultivation of illegal coca in Peru. According to the recent Coca Leaf Monitoring Report published by DEVIDA, more than 80,000 hectares of coca were grown in 2021. Likewise, according to the White House National Anti-Narcotics Office (ONDCP), there has been an increase in illegal coca cultivation of more than 60% compared to 2018 (84,400 versus 52,100 hectares). Also, populations in “Alternative Development” areas have increased favorable attitudes and opinions towards illegal coca, which jeopardize counternarcotics efforts.

This project aims to enhance the rejection of illegal coca by populations and key actors in alternative development areas, thus fostering a stronger commitment to legal activities and reducing illegal coca cultivation.

To achieve this, the activity will implement a communications strategy, facilitating the creation of content aiming at strengthening the rejection of coca cultivation and associated narcotrafficking among the target population.