DATES: September 2004 - September 2009
The ongoing Participating Agency Service Agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture was amended to implement an Animal Disease Control System to enhance the capability of the Ministry of Agriculture and Kabul University Veterinary Faculty to detect animal disease. It will have three components: 1) Animal Health Services - short and long term training to meet international standards on diseases surveillance, diagnostics, and control; and development of animal disease regulations including border control; 2) Field and Clinical Operations – short and long term training of veterinarians in epidemiology, public health, biological disciplines, and quality control; operation of a modern animal disease diagnostic laboratory and veterinary field units; and training on emergency animal disease response; and 3) Diagnostic and Investigative Operations – short and long term training of veterinarians on field and laboratory diagnosis of diseases listed by the World Organization for Animal Health, self evaluation rates diagnosis, and establishing a professional certification program.