DATES: November 2007 - November 2009
Community Development Agriculture in Paktya, Paktika, Khost and Southeast Ghazni is a two-year USAID program being implemented by Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) and includes the participation of the Grand Council of the Kuchis, ACDI/VOCA, Winrock International, and Citizen’s Network for Foreign Affairs (CNFA).  The program is designed to increase production and improve the quality of horticultural, livestock, and agro forestry products as well as improve storage, handling, and processing of agricultural products.  Rehabilitation of community irrigation and market infrastructure is planned and support will be provided to agribusiness and associations with an emphasis on support for women, youth, and vulnerable groups.  Securing buy-in from tribal elders will allow the program to safely implement activities in the insecure, tribal provinces of southeast Afghanistan.