DATES: August 2011 - August 2015
PARTNERS: Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
SPS is a global project that improves the availability of quality medicines and health commodities for priority interventions and promotes their appropriate use.  Through SPS, USAID works closely with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) to improve the rational use of medicine, build the capacity of MoPH to manage pharmaceutical services, strengthen the capacity of the MoPH to ensure the quality of pharmaceutical products entering and used within the country, establish a coordinated procurement and distribution system, and design a system for USAID procurement of pharmaceuticals.  Through SPS, USAID brings essential medicine distribution together with strong technical assistance in pharmaceutical management to build on the work initiated under other projects.  SPS works with the MoPH General Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs and the National Drug and Therapeutic Committee (NDTC) to improve the selection, procurement, distribution, and rational use of drugs.  Drug and Therapeutics Committees have also been established in 8 national, provincial and district hospitals, and will be scaled up to additional hospitals over the next four years.  SPS is working with the Kabul University Faculty of Pharmacy to strengthen the curriculum to include the rational use of medicines and anti-microbial resistance and with the MoPH to develop and operationalize the use of Standard Treatment Guidelines in BPHS health facilities across Afghanistan. [[nid:50771]]