DATES: August 2010 - August 2013

The Asia Foundation (TAF) administers a program covering both basic and higher education.  It is strengthening the programmatic and operational capacity of Aid Afghanistan for Education, an Afghan non-government organization providing accelerated learning programs to girls and young women who would otherwise not be able to attend formal government schools.  The program also strengthens the operations of the Afghan Center at Kabul University to expand and preserve its collection of Afghan historical, academic, and literary materials, including digitizing library holdings and making them available via on-line to qualified researchers.  Also, TAF works with college students and school administrators to make campuses safe and inclusive for girls, while promoting a culture of tolerance and appreciation for diverse cultures, languages and peoples in Afghanistan.  The quality of residence life programming at the National Men’s and Women’s Dormitories is a model for other Afghan universities, and has demonstrated positive changes in the learning environment.  Finally, a small grants program funds innovative education activities for Afghan non-government organizations.