Tuesday, December 7, 2021


ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Hello, everyone. I would like to thank Prime Minister Kishida and the entire government of Japan for hosting this crucial Summit, and bringing the world together to tackle the urgent mission to build a healthier and well-nourished world.

Unfortunately, the same malady that delayed this Summit—COVID-19—has disrupted supply chains that bring healthy and nutritious foods to people around the world. It has battered economies, leaving people with less money to invest in their care. And it has prevented much of the person-to-person contact that we rely upon to communicate effective health messages and deliver humanitarian assistance. But this is not cause to throw up our hands; it is cause to get to work.

Building on years of U.S. investment and support for nutrition programs—support that has helped more than 100 million children escape the devastating and lasting effects of poor nutrition—we have adapted our nutrition programs for the COVID era.

In Madagascar, we have worked with health workers to stand up mobile outreach clinics to reach distant communities with information about the best ways to keep their children healthy. In Nepal, we’ve held digital breastfeeding counseling sessions for fathers who stepped up to support their partners and newborns. And in Zambia, we have worked with local food processors to adapt their businesses based on which raw materials were available to produce nutritious foods.

Today, I am pleased to announce that the United States will continue this work—and do far more. We intend to invest up to $11 billion over the next three years to combat global malnutrition through locally-designed and locally-led programs. Of this, approximately $3 billion will be directed toward anticipated emergency humanitarian needs. These investments build on our recent launch of the second edition of our U.S. Government Global Nutrition Coordination Plan.

We also recognize that to champion these issues around the world, we must address malnutrition here at home. To that end, the Biden Administration has renewed commitments to end hunger and improve wellness through policies and investments that will put a nutritious and diverse diet within reach of every American.

By investing in nutrition programs, applying the evidence of what works, and adapting quickly, we can prevent child malnutrition, even in the time of COVID, and we can build a healthier world for everyone. Thank you.

2021 Nutrition for Growth Summit #COVID19 Nutrition News
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