For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations


The below is attributable to Spokesperson Jessica Jennings:

Today, Administrator Samantha Power attended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, DC. In the morning, she hosted the “Inclusive Partnerships to Advance Agenda 2063” Civil Society Forum at the United States Institute of Peace. Administrator Power opened the forum with remarks that emphasized the importance of partnerships between civil society and government, urging the audience to embrace ideas from all corners and be open to the views of those outside government. The forum brought together civil society representatives, African heads of delegation and other government officials, and senior U.S. government officials for an exchange of ideas on promoting anti-corruption reforms, protecting workers’ rights, and ensuring that marginalized voices are represented in public life.

Administrator Power then attended the Peace, Security and Governance Forum. Administrator Power highlighted the importance of the rule of law, democratic reforms, and the corrosive impacts of unrestrained use of force. She urged attention to supporting issues such as livelihoods and economic opportunities, climate resilient agriculture, and the provision of basic services as integral parts of stabilization.

Finally, Administrator Power spoke at the Supporting Conservation, Climate Adaptation, and a Just Energy Transition Session, where she highlighted U.S. and African partnerships addressing conservation and the need for African countries to both benefit from, and preserve, natural resources.

Additionally, on the eve of the Summit, Administrator Power met with Angola’s President João Lourenço. Administrator Power and President Lourenço discussed increased bilateral cooperation on economic development, fighting corruption, advancing gender equality, and conservation. During the meeting on Monday, Administrator Power welcomed the opportunity to continue to strengthen the U.S. government’s partnership with Angola given the country’s commitment to regional leadership and democratic reform.

USAID at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit Samantha Power