For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

In an important stride towards enhancing the breadth and depth of lived and practical work experience across the USAID acquisition and assistance workforce, USAID is launching the Acquisition Workforce Certification Fellows Program. This groundbreaking program will strengthen the pipeline of talent by attracting a wider more diverse pool of applicants into USAID’s Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) workforce.

The initiative is currently being piloted at Fayetteville State University, a Minority Serving Institution, in Fayetteville, North Carolina which signed a partnership agreement in April 2023.

The program encompasses the entire spectrum of acquisition knowledge from Contract Foundational Skills to Contract Post-Award, and also incorporates what it is like working at USAID in this profession. The curriculum is designed to complete the education requirements necessary for certification to serve as a contracting officer in the federal government. All cohort members will take the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) Professional exam at the completion of the 1-year program. Fellows will have a robust foundation in contract management, pre-award and award processes, and post-award management, ensuring they are well-prepared to serve the U.S. government.

This is just one of the steps USAID is taking to strengthen the pipeline and expand the number of A&A staff at the Agency. Last month, USAID launched “A&A Accelerate: Empowering, Equipping, and Elevating A&A at USAID”, a new initiative aimed at rebuilding the A&A workforce at the Agency. The initiative will focus on rebuilding the A&A workforce through retaining, recruiting, and filling staffing gaps; enhancing surge capacity to more effectively respond to crises; increase capacity at Missions by elevating Foreign Service Nationals; and, expanding professional development opportunities for A&A staff through exchange and leadership programs.

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