

Despite efforts from the private sector to train future employees through internships and private training centers, the number of skilled workers in any given profession is still not enough to meet the market’s need.  To build dialogue and cooperation between the public and private sectors to address these challenges, government officials, business owners, educational institutions, and donors gathered at Kosovo’s first Vocational Education and Training (VET) Summit, supported by USAID and others.

The Kosovo Producers Club and the Besa Foundation took the lead in organizing the VET Summit, attended by more than 150 representatives from the public and private sectors.  Among the guests at the event, held at the Innovation and Training Park in Prizren, were Kosovo’s Prime Minister, the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, and the Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade.  Prime Minister Kurti and the Ministers showed their readiness to work together with the private sector to improve vocational education in Kosovo.  They acknowledged the discrepancy between the curriculum and qualifications offered by Kosovo’s education system and the needs of the local market for a skilled workforce.  Prime Minister Kurti highlighted that vocational education and the relationship with the private sector is a priority for the Government of Kosovo.

USAID’s Matthew Cullinane spoke on a panel with members of the diaspora, the Minister of Education, and the chargé of the German Embassy.  Mr. Cullinane talked about the importance of bridging the gap between the public and private sectors and having a coordinated overall system in Kosovo that ensures a prepared workforce.  He highlighted the role donors play in facilitating this relationship and elevating Kosovo’s initiatives.  To realize the full potential of Kosovo’s future workforce, it will require leadership from the private sector and coordinated efforts with the government to ultimately power economic growth.

Kosovo Public and Private Sectors Come Together to Train a Skilled Workforce
Participants of the Vocational Education Summit
Kosovo Stories