National Geographic Kids Africa is an educational entertainment program being developed in Africa through a partnership between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Walt Disney Company, and WildlifeDirect. It will amplify African leadership, storytelling, and innovation. Young people will be capable and creative environmental change agents. The show’s  goal is to inspire children to explore the natural world and share with them the knowledge and skills to understand, conserve, and protect it.

It will be a 26-episode television series produced entirely by African storytellers, showcasing the global expertise and solutions of local conservationists, and the ecological significance of the continent’s biodiverse landscapes. It will be filmed primarily in East Africa. Other components of the project include a digital platform and educational outreach program that will empower children to build on the knowledge and lived experiences of communities across the continent. It is scheduled to air in late 2022.

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