MURIQAN, ALBANIA     USAID, the Embassy of Sweden, and the Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development, in collaboration with Municipality of Shkodra, held a groundbreaking ceremony at the farm of Ahmet Sylejmani in Muriqan,Shkodra. The “Shega” (Translation: Pomegranate) Farm and Guesthouse is one of six family farms that the project will help commercialize. The six farms will serve as replicable agro-tourism models to increase employment opportunities for rural inhabitants of Shkodra, Malësia e Madhe and Puka.

The Mayor of Shkodra, Voltana Ademi, USAID/Albania General Development Officer, Dennis Wesner, and the Head of Sweden’s Development Agency, Birgitta Jansson, delivered remarks on the importance of agro tourism development in Albania’s economy.

The “Shega” (Translation: Pomegranate) Farm and Guesthouse is one of six family farms that USAID will help commercialize.
Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development