The Bureau for Inclusive Growth, Partnerships, and Innovation (IPI) provides thought leadership and technical assistance that catalyzes inclusive growth, expands partnerships, and generates innovative solutions to complex development challenges. IPI leads in carrying out key Agency priorities, including pursuing gender equality and inclusive development, mainstreaming our work with local partners across the Agency, and expanding private sector partnerships. We also lead the Agency in advancing education, cybersecurity and digital access, and economic growth.

Our Focus

Inclusive Growth 
IPI advances U.S. foreign policy goals and promotes U.S. and international security by generating opportunities for trade that create jobs, expand equitable access to employment, and improve livelihoods at home and abroad. IPI leads expanding engagement with the private sector as a powerful force for lifting lives, strengthening communities, and accelerating inclusive growth. 

Expanding Opportunity
IPI advances the rights and inclusion of women and girls and gender-diverse individuals, and ensures marginalized and underrepresented groups are central to their own development, protecting their rights, safety, and well-being. We lead the Agency in ensuring all children and youth have protective, nurturing care and  equitable access to a quality education so they can build prosperous futures. 

Partnerships are at the core of IPI’s work. We are guiding the Agency in strengthening, expanding, and diversifying our partner base—including through locally led, faith-based, and private sector partnerships.

IPI taps into the creativity, energy, and innovative ideas of people and organizations around the world to discover and support pathbreaking solutions to development challenges. We partner with innovators and researchers to test new approaches and scale what works to maximize impact.

Centers, Hubs, and Offices

Centers are the home of technical leadership and sectoral expertise while Hubs focus on cross-cutting approaches and the skills, state-of-the-art practices, and partners we need to meet development challenges. Offices keep IPI operating, coordinated, compliant, and improving.

Economics and Market Development

The Center for Economics and Market Development advances enterprise-driven development so partner countries can plan, finance, and implement solutions to solve their own development challenges. The Center leads and supports USAID's economic growth programs by conducting robust analysis, encouraging practices conducive to enabling environments, and supporting trade capacity building to foster sustainable development outcomes.


The Center for Education advances USAID's Education Policy by supporting partner countries in strengthening their capacity to deliver quality learning opportunities for children and youth, and improving learning outcomes and skills development from pre-primary to higher education.

Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

USAID works to improve the lives of individuals around the world by addressing the distinct needs of women and girls, men and boys, and gender-diverse individuals in our development and humanitarian work. The Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Hub provides strategic leadership, cross-sectoral expertise, training, and technical assistance on USAID’s gender equality and women’s empowerment programming worldwide, including gender-based violence and women’s economic empowerment.

Inclusive Development

The Inclusive Development Hub promotes the rights and inclusion of marginalized and under-represented populations in the development process, and leads the U.S. Government’s response to address the needs of children in adversity and youth. The Hub provides support on integrating youth, children in adversity, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, racial and ethnic minorities, and mental health, rehabilitation, and assistive health technologies into Agency programs.

Innovation, Technology, and Research

The Innovation, Technology, and Research Hub pioneers catalytic and cost-effective approaches to global development by helping partners across USAID and around the world to foster, integrate, and share research and evidence of what works; rigorously test new ideas and methods and scale the most effective solutions; and responsibly adopt new technologies. The Hub comprises a team of change makers and problem solvers working in partnership with researchers, universities, social enterprises, local communities, and the private sector to test, incubate, and accelerate the scale-up of cutting-edge solutions delivering the greatest impact. The Hub also addresses gaps in digital access and adoption while managing digital technology risks.

Local, Faith, and Transformative Partnerships

The Local, Faith, and Transformative Partnerships Hub strengthens USAID’s ability to partner with nontraditional and diverse actors, including local, faith-based, volunteer, and community organizations, schools and hospitals abroad, foundations, and diaspora communities. The Hub also supports and builds the capacity of partners new to working with USAID.

Private Sector Engagement

The Private Sector Engagement Hub advances USAID’s Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Policy by strengthening and modernizing USAID’s ability to partner with the private sector. Through PSE Modernize, the Hub is leading the Agency’s cultural and operational transformation to expand engagement with the private sector to better tackle global challenges. 

Development Finance Partnerships Unit

The Development Finance Partnerships Unit (DFPU) serves as a central node to support and tie together USAID's development finance work. In this role, DFPU manages and supports key private sector and interagency partnerships, including the USAID Administrator's role on the Board of Directors of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation and Millennium Challenge Corporation.

Office of Administrative Management Services 

The Office of Administrative Management Services manages core administrative functions, advises senior management on strategic planning and workforce-management, and identifies opportunities to gain efficiencies and improve operations.

The Program Office

The Program Office leads, coordinates, and provides guidance for: planning, budgeting, spending, and reporting; management and implementation of programs; information and communication; delivery of client services; and compliance. 

Michael Metzler

Michael Metzler

Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator

Michael Metzler serves as the Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Inclusive Growth, Partnerships, and Innovation (IPI).

Bama Athreya

Bama Athreya


Bama Athreya serves as the Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Hub and the Inclusive Development Hub.

Natasha de Marcken

Natasha de Marcken

Deputy Assistant Administrator and Acting Senior Coordinator of U.S. Basic Education Assistance

Natasha de Marcken serves as the Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Center for Education.

Veena Reddy

Veena Reddy

Deputy Assistant Administrator

Veena Reddy serves as the Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Local, Faith, and Transformative Partnerships Hub as well as the Innovation, Technology, and Research Hub.

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