For Immediate Release

Press Release

Arusha - Recently, the United States government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), donated wildlife monitoring and tracking equipment to the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI). At the current rate of species decline, quality data is required to make informed conservation decisions. The use of tracking technologies, including Global Positioning System (GPS) elephant tracking collars, provide detailed insights into the movement patterns of animals, allowing the government and conservationists to better understand how wildlife populations use their habitat and interact with humans.

Providing high-resolution images and improved aerial navigation systems, the equipment, valued at TZS 242 million, will dramatically improve TAWIRI’s wildlife survey systems. This equipment will enable TAWIRI to improve their tracking of wildlife movement corridors, and gather more reliable data for improved management and policy decisions. 

“This equipment is an example of USAID’s continued partnership and support of the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute’s vision of becoming a center of excellence for biodiversity conservation and management within Tanzania and the region,” said USAID/Tanzania Environment Officer Nathan Sage speaking at the handover event. “Securing of the wildlife corridors ensures free movement of wildlife between Protected Areas, reduces human wildlife conflicts, and also bolsters Tanzania’s tourism industry.”

Approximately 25 percent of Tanzania’s foreign exchange earnings come directly from tourism, of which over 90 percent is wildlife based. The United States is committed to support the Government of Tanzania to reduce human-wildlife conflict and communities to protect their wildlife and support the communities in and around animal habitats. The use of technology, like those donated, will increase understanding of wildlife behavior and provide important data to the government and communities about wildlife proximities to villages, enabling proactive management and mitigation of conflict.

The United States commends TAWIRI for leading research to improve conservation in Tanzania. Through the USAID Tuhifadhi Maliasili (Preserve Natural Resources) project, the U.S. will continue partnering with the Government of Tanzania to preserve natural resources for the benefit of people and wildlife. 

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Nathan Sage, USAID/Tanzania Environment Officer (Second right) handing over elephant GPS collars to the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) in Arusha. From Left: Dr. Julius Keyyu Director of Research TAWIRI, Dr. Eblante Mjingo Director General TAWIRI, Dr. David Manyanza TAWIRI Board Chairperson, and Thadeus Binamungu Chief of Party USAID Tuhifadhi Maliasili.
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