For Immediate Release

Press Release

Mogadishu - Today, Deputy Minister of Planning, Investment and Economic Development, H.E. Mohamed Abdulkadir Ali, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Somalia Mission Director, Sheri-Nouane Duncan-Jones, hosted the first USAID Development Objective Agreement Review in Mogadishu.  This meeting highlighted key achievements made over the last year with USAID’s development assistance and reconfirmed the commitment of these two strong partners to advance the joint development goals in Somalia.

Key stakeholders at the meeting included representatives from the Ministries Of Finance; Agriculture and Irrigation;  Interior Federal Affairs and Reconciliation; Fisheries and Blue Economy; Livestock, Forestry, and Range; Education, Culture, and Higher Education; and Health and Human Services.

"Today's gathering represents the culmination of the collaboration between Somalia and United States governments, aimed at fostering resilience, igniting economic growth, and nurturing governance. We share a vision of progress and prosperity, united in purpose to empower people and create a better future,” said Deputy Minister of Planning, Investment, and Economic Development of Somalia, H.E. Mohamed Abdulkadir Ali. “Our partnership, founded on shared values, drives impactful change and lays the foundation for enduring success. Together, we remain committed to building a better Somalia for all."

“The United States and Somalia have a shared vision for progress, resilience, and prosperity.  The United States supports Somalia’s progress by contributing to the National Development Plan 9.  Our collective determination tackles the challenges facing Somalia head-on, empowering its people and building a brighter future together. We are proud of what we have already accomplished and look forward to continuing to work together," said USAID Mission Director Duncan-Jones. 

In August 2023, the U.S. Government, through USAID, committed $92 million in development assistance. Today’s meeting outlined how USAID and partners are implementing those funds to help Somalia build long-term resilience and stability, economic growth, governance improvements, opportunities for women and youth, and crucial health and education services. This support builds on nearly 18 years of foreign assistance from the American people to Somalia. It underscores the mutual commitment to addressing the challenges facing Somalia, including those arising from conflict, climate change, and economic instability.

Over the last year - working hand in hand with Somali counterparts at federal, member state and local levels - USAID has focused on building resilience and stability, stimulating economic growth, enhancing governance, and empowering the future leaders, the women, and youth of Somalia. From enabling over 150,000 Somali children to access quality education, empowering young Somalis to enter the workforce, to strengthening governance and advancing long-term stability, these collective initiatives are casting a broad and lasting impact. Both partners are also maximizing efforts to build resilient communities which can withstand the many shocks and stresses that Somalia continues to experience.

For additional information, please contact:
Monika Gorzelańska - USAID Somalia Program Office Director, mgorzelań
Danielle Botti - USAID Somalia Development Outreach and Communications Specialist,

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