For Immediate Release

Press Release

The U.S. government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing $100,000 through the Mongolia Red Cross Society to respond to the dzud, by providing cash grants to vulnerable Mongolian herder households.

The United States is carefully monitoring the impacts of the extreme cold and dzud impacts on livestock. “This dzud response builds on our ongoing work to help Mongolian communities prepare for, and respond to extreme climate events, and help them bounce back faster. As Mongolia’s strategic partner and third neighbor, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Mongolian people during this difficult time,” said U.S. Ambassador Richard Buangan.

USAID has long-standing programs that work year-round to strengthen Mongolia’s resilience against dzuds as well as other natural disasters. These disaster risk reduction programs include training and support for the Mongolian Red Cross Society, Incident Command System training with the National Emergency Management Agency, and capacity building for livestock disease surveillance.

The U.S. government, through USAID, has been helping vulnerable Mongolian communities to be more resilient to disasters and better able to handle their impacts. Since 2010, USAID has provided nearly $8 million to support disaster risk reduction programs in Mongolia.

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