For Immediate Release

Press Release

From March 4-8, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Deputy Assistant Administrator (DAA) of the Bureau for Asia, Änjali Kaur, visited the Kingdom of Bhutan to advance the United States - Bhutan development partnership, highlighting mutual collaboration on critical global challenges, including climate change, food security, and inclusive economic growth.

During her inaugural visit to Bhutan, DAA Kaur engaged with government officials, members of civil society and U.S. government partners to advance the U.S. - Bhutan development partnership and learn more about the development context in the country and potential areas of opportunity, as we collectively face challenges such as climate change and the food security crisis. 

Outside of Paro, DAA Kaur visited the Chhukha Hydropower Plant to learn more about how Bhutan is working to mitigate climate change, expand renewable energy generation, and promote economic growth. Bhutan is a leader in hydropower and can serve as a model for countries seeking to adopt clean energy solutions.

In Thimphu, DAA Kaur toured the Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck Super Fab Lab, a Super Fabrication Laboratory and one of four worldwide, and a collaboration between the Royal Government of Bhutan, the Bhutan Foundation, the U.S. Government, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Lab serves as a hub for students and innovators to pilot and showcase Bhutanese innovation including drones, robotics, 3D printing, and more.

Also in Thimphu, DAA Kaur learned more about Bhutan’s efforts to enhance food security and support local farmers and entrepreneurs. She visited the Cottage and Small Industries Market, which facilitates market access for more than 500 local businesses, 70 percent which are women-owned. She also toured the Chuniding Foods and met with the founder, Aum Choedon, to learn how the organization is supporting and mentoring farmers and entrepreneurs to scale production and enhance their livelihoods, while bolstering local nutrition year-round, with supplemental dehydrated food. The U.S. Government partnered with the Bhutan Foundation during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide Chuniding with industrial equipment to scale production and reach more people.

The United States deeply values its development partnership with the Kingdom of Bhutan. The United States recognizes Bhutan’s leadership in clean energy, climate change, health security, and inclusive economic growth, and looks forward to further collaboration.

USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia Änjali Kaur Visits Bhutan to Advance the U.S. - Bhutan Development Partnership.
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