The Indo-Pacific region is one of the most biodiverse on earth and its fisheries are critical to supporting global food security. Climate change and unsustainable and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing practices are devastating the fisheries and marine resources that sustain communities across the region.

The USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA) Sustainable Fish Asia (SuFiA) program promotes sustainable fishing and marine conservation from a regional perspective. It builds capacity to sustainably manage marine biodiversity, strengthens resilience to climate change, and drives more funding to local partners and regional institutions that have the insights to develop tailored solutions and the mandate to implement them. SuFiA’s portfolio of activities also promotes gender equality and fair labor practices.


Building regional capacity 

USAID Sustainable Fish Asia Technical Support (SuFiA TS) supports the development, adoption, and implementation of sustainable fisheries policies, standards, and practices. SuFiA TS provides demand-driven services to regional institutions and other key stakeholders working to promote fisheries sustainability and marine conservation across the Indo-Pacific.

Fostering local leadership 

Regional fishery organizations play an important role in addressing threats to marine conservation and leading sustainable fisheries management efforts. From 2020 to 2022, USAID Sustainable Fish Asia Local Capacity Development strengthened the leadership of two regional fishery organizations in the Asia-Pacific: the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) and the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF). The activity enhanced their managerial, operational, and overall organizational capacity.

In 2023, USAID/RDMA launched the USAID Southeast Asia Fisheries Partnership to directly support SEAFDEC in expanding adoption and implementation of recommended policies, programs, and plans among national fishery agencies.

Leveraging U.S. government expertise  

USAID/RDMA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) work with SEAFDEC and national governments to implement the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing. This agreement seeks to strengthen the enforcement of fisheries requirements at legal and regulated ports, and eliminate ports of convenience for IUU fish products. It also establishes minimum standards for port inspections and controls over foreign vessels seeking entry and promotes information sharing.


  • Improved regional fisheries management through SuFiA TS partnerships with CTI-CFF; the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), including the ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Fisheries; the Regional Plan of Action to promote responsible fishing practices, including combating IUU Fishing (RPOA-IUU) Secretariat; the Southeast Asia Fish for Justice (SEAFish) Network; and the Seafood and Fisheries Emerging Technologies (SAFET) conference. 

  • Strengthened technical expertise among SEAFDEC and their member states on sustainable fisheries management, climate adaptation, and gender equity in fisheries.

  • Increased access to sustainable financing through the establishment and launch of the Coral Triangle Conservation Fund to protect, restore, and transform vital marine resources.

sustainable fisheries marine conservation
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