USAID is committed to the inclusion of people who have physical and cognitive disabilities and those who advocate and offer services on behalf of persons with disabilities. This commitment extends from the design and implementation of USAID programming to advocacy for and outreach to persons with disabilities.

USAID’s policy on disability is as follows: 

  • Avoid discrimination against persons with disabilities in programs which USAID funds and 
  • Encourage engagement with host country counterparts, governments, implementing organizations, and other donors in promoting a climate of nondiscrimination against and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities. 

The USAID policy on disability promotes the inclusion of persons with disabilities both within USAID programs and in host countries where USAID has programs.

USAID's policy is currently being updated - please click here to access, review, and provide feedback on the draft updated policy through the extended time of close of business (5:00 pm EST) on December 15, 2023.

Disabilities disability asistance