
Mandatory Special Provision "Prohibition Against Cash Assistance to the Palestinian Authority"

Issued: January 07, 2010

Dear Implementing Partners,

The purpose of this Notice is to remind you of the requirement to adhere to the Mandatory Special Provision "Prohibition against Cash Assistance to the Palestinian Authority" (see Attachment A) incorporated under your respective awards with USAID and the requirement to incorporate this Provision in all USAID funded sub-awards you execute.

This Prohibition was first introduced in the 1998 Appropriations Law and has been included in annual appropriations law ever since. This Provision (see Attachment A) clearly stipulates that no funds may be "obligated or expended with respect to providing funds to the Palestinian Authority. "

Therefore, in accordance with this Provision: "the Recipient/Contractor shall not provide any cash to the Palestinian Authority; to any ministry, agency or instrumentality of the Palestinian Authority; to any municipality or other local government unit; or to any fall-time or part-time employee or official of any of the foregoing entities. This restriction applies to payments of any kind, including salaries, stipends, fees, honoraria, per diem, and so forth. "

You are further reminded of the requirement to include this Provision in all your sub-awards prior to its execution and ensure that the sub-awardees are aware and understand the need to adhere to this prohibition. In addition, please note that any funds obligated or expended in violation of this Provision are considered unallowable under USAID funded awards.

West Bank and Gaza Partner Notices