Thursday, November 10, 2022

The wild populations of the Indochinese box turtle and Asian water dragon are under increasing threat from unsustainable and illegal trade and loss of habitat. Classified in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List as Critically Endangered and Vulnerable, stronger control on their trade is required. Between November 14-25, countries that are signatories to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Fauna (CITES)—including Vietnam—will meet in Panama for the 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (CoP19) to agree to the levels of control for the import, export and re-export of traded species to prevent over exploitation and extinction. Vietnam’s position is to only permit the trade of the Indochinese box turtle under exceptional circumstances, and to require control of trade of the Asian water dragon. On October 31, in Cuc Phuong National Park, USAID’s Saving Threatened Wildlife project, implemented by World Wildlife Fund, supported a technical workshop with Government of Vietnam officials and experts from local organizations to produce information and evidence to support Vietnam’s advocacy for its position.

Increased protection of critically endangered species like the Indochinese box turtle and Asian water dragon contributes to biodiversity conservation and environmental protection. 

Asian water dragon
Asian water dragon
USAID Saving Threatened Wildlife
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