The goal of USAID/Lebanon’s 2021-2026 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) is a stable, resilient Lebanon at peace with its neighbors, building on economic, institutional, and community-based opportunities. The USAID strategy is designed to increase economic resilience including competitiveness, livelihoods and service delivery, vis-a-vis private sector and municipal engagement. The strategic choices are enhanced economic opportunities (DO1), effective educational institutions (DO2), effective public service delivery (DO3), and a Special Objective (SO) of meeting the humanitarian needs of vulnerable populations (SO4). These approaches are inclusive, multi-faceted, and mindful of interdependencies among the core needs for recovery in the short-term and sustainable development in the long-term. Most importantly, these DO/SOs also provide USAID/Lebanon with the flexibility to adapt to the country’s changing political and socio-economic contexts, which is characterized by increased fragility due to the multifaceted crises brought about by economic collapse, COVID-19, and the after-effects of the Port of Beirut explosion.