For Immediate Release
Press Release
Dar es Salaam - The United States has committed $500,000 in immediate financial assistance to support Tanzania’s prevention and preparation for potential outbreaks of the Marburg Virus Disease (MVD).
“The United States supports Tanzania’s quick actions to prepare for Marburg should cases cross the border into Tanzania,” said U.S. Ambassador Michael Battle. “We are proud to support efforts to protect the health and security of all Tanzanians through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. government agency leading international development and humanitarian aid.”
Building on past U.S.-funded health systems investments in Tanzania and the lessons learned from the 2023 MVD outbreak, USAID will support the Government of Tanzania, through WHO and UNICEF, to strengthen Tanzanian labs to safely test for the disease, train healthcare workers to identify and provide care to potential patients, and educate communities about what the disease is and how to prevent spreading it to others. The funding will also be used to prepare Emergency Operations Centers and to conduct simulations to ensure a rapid response if cases are identified in Tanzania.
The United States is honored to partner with the Government of Tanzania to support Tanzania’s outbreak readiness and ensure the health and safety of all Tanzanians.
For more information, please contact the USAID/Tanzania Development Outreach and Communications Team at