
Somalia faces heightened public scrutiny as its government manages over $92 million in budget support while striving to meet International Monetary Fund performance benchmarks. Its ability to adopt sound fiscal policy and improve financial governance will determine its eligibility for debt relief. At this critical juncture, the Federal Parliament of Somalia must strengthen its financial oversight practices and embrace principles of accountability.

Activity Areas

The Strengthening Public Accountability in Parliament (Damal, meaning “Gathering Place” in Somali) builds on USAID’s Strengthening Somali Governance (SSG) implemented from 2014 - 2018. Damal’s goal is to strengthen the Federal Parliament of Somalia’s financial oversight capacity, demonstrating how strong Parliamentary oversight and increased public outreach enables greater government accountability.

To do this, Damal builds the technical capacity of the Budget and Finance and other relevant committees to review critical pieces of legislation, including the national budget. Damal strengthens the committees’ technical analysis and public outreach on key pieces of legislation. In the process, Damal brings together members of parliament, parliamentary staff, committee chairs, executive branch members, and relevant civil society in cluster meetings, workshops, public hearings, and theme-based dialogues, enhancing public participation and learning. Damal facilitates knowledge sharing, peer mentoring, and technical support of and between all of these groups. When relevant, Damal will explore how it can strengthen the linkages between the Federal and State levels of parliament.

Damal enables the committees to synthesize the input gained into a line of questions and analysis that committee members use to probe government. As a result, Parliament models a more transparent decision-making process and plays a more robust oversight role, promoting greater government accountability.