Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Summary

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Optimal Solutions Group LLC (Optimal) was awarded the Secondary Analysis for Results Tracking (SART) contract (AID‐OAA‐C‐12‐00069), which includes the task of facilitating the tracking of secondary data for Goals 1 and 3 of the USAID Education Strategy. For this purpose, Optimal will develop a data system referred to as “SART Ed” that will serve as a central repository for data related to Goals 1 and 3 of USAID’s education strategy.

The SART Ed system serves a crucial role in USAID/E3/ED in fulfilling its reporting requirements to the Administrator and to Congress. Data contained in the system will be used to measure improvements at an aggregated versus individual level in learning or school participation that are brought about through USAID‐funded programming.

SART Ed will serve as a central repository of datasets that are to be collected and de‐identified by implementing organizations under other USAID mechanisms. In collaboration with Optimal, the USAID education office will ensure that datasets are cleared for release in a manner that conforms to recommended practices.

Information stored in the data system will include 1) data related to the measurement of pupil performance on early grade reading assessments; and 2) data on attendance trends aggregated to the level of the school or higher. In all cases, data will be properly anonymized by primary data collectors before they are transmitted to Optimal, resulting in no PII being stored in the SART system. The data will include information such as children’s age, sex, grade of primary school education, and performance on various measures of learning. Children’s data will be associated with broad information about schools such as the country and state (outside of the U.S.) where the school is located.


PIA Summary