Data reveals that nearly half of North Macedonia's youth intend to emigrate in search of better job prospects, higher pay, career advancement, improved living conditions, and adherence to the rule of law. The government of North Macedonia has historically prioritized party affiliation and politics over citizens’ needs, fostering endemic corruption, a lack of a merit-based system, and minimal environmental standards, all contributing factors that prompt youth to emigrate. Additionally, they face many challenges including limited career opportunities, high unemployment and underemployment rates, inadequate job-related skills, and limited opportunities for professional growth. Furthermore, interest for civic engagement is low, hindering their ability to make meaningful contributionsto society.


This activity is based on strategic principles to work with youth, for youth, act upon windows of opportunities that arise to make society more prosperous and democratic, and ensure that North Macedonia is a better place to live. Through this activity, USAID will partner with the private sector, youth groups, civil society, and governmental institutions to 1) support economic opportunities that are attractive to youth; 2) help strengthen youths’ competencies for modern and future jobs, progressive careers, and civic life; and 3) promote the experiences that cultivate values for participation and taking responsibility, ethical conduct, civic engagement, and striving for personal and collective accomplishments.


  • Enhanced business investment in youth innovation.
  • Increasedyouthaccesstoattractiveinternshipplacements,employment,orself-employmentopportunities.
  • Expanded access to specialized skill-building leading to career opportunities for youth.
Youth Actively Create Opportunities
Youth Actively Create Opportunities Cover Image
Increased Youth Engagement