
Flag of Nepal

Country Overview

Nepal, nestled in the Himalayan mountains between India and China, is an important long-term partner for the US, and critical to regional stability and connectivity. USAID is Nepal’s oldest development partner. Our economic and social partnership not only builds a more equitable, prosperous, and democratic Nepal, but a more stable region as well.

Though Nepal has one of the slowest growing economies in Asia, the country continues to make steady progress in overcoming its development challenges. USAID partners with the Government of Nepal (GoN) and local organizations to boost food security, expand and broaden economic growth, sustainably manage natural resources, improve quality health care and education systems, bolster democratic governance, and strengthen its capacity to mitigate and respond to natural disasters. Three themes are at the core of USAID’s work, critical for Nepal’s development: supporting federalism; promoting inclusion; and strengthening institutions and resilience.


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