
Health Sector Assistance


Global Health Security Activity under EpiC (Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control) 
Implementer: FHI 360 
Project Period: 09/2024 - 09/2029 (TBC)
Projected Budget: $6,500,000

USAID’s Global Health Security Activity activity, EpiC, fills critical gaps in building sustained and coordinated One Health capacities that incorporate linkages between human, animal, and environmental health. In collaboration with countries and working with a unique set of multi-sectoral partners, the GHS Program strengthens preparedness and ensures capacities are in place to: 1) Prevent infectious disease threats; 2) Detect threats early; and 3) Respond rapidly and effectively when outbreaks occur. Launched in September 2024, this activity under EpiC will include interventions designed to operationalize the GOM’s Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) National Action Plan (NAP), improve the capacity of GoM staff to develop, implement, and monitor joint activities under the AMR NAP; strengthen the AMR surveillance system; align AMU stewardship with the internationally accepted “AWaRe” (Access, Watch, and Reserve) categories; and strengthen compliance with stewardship policies in hospitals and health care settings. This activity will also support the established public health emergency operations center (PHEOC) to implement health emergency preparedness and response plans.


Localize Global Health Security
Implementer: Panagora Group
Project Period: 09/2024 - 04/2025
Projected Budget: $250,000

Through the Localize Global Health Security activity (LGHS) will conduct a landscape analysis of local partners in Moldova to understand local capacity to  implement Global Health Security activities. The activity will analyse local CSO capacity in the sectors of antimicrobial stewardship, prevention and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and health emergency management. 


Long-term Exceptional Technical Assistance (LEAP Global)
Implementer: Global Solutions Ventures
Project Period: 09/2024 - 09/2029 
Projected Budget: $1,250,000

The Long-term Exceptional Technical Assistance (LEAP Global) activity embeds subject matter experts (SME) within host-country government entities.  USAID/Moldova will use LEAP to embed Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) SMEs within the NAPH to advise and coordinate implementation of  Moldova’s National AMR Program (2023-2027), strengthen the AMR  policy framework (including AMR surveillance), and optimize use of antimicrobials in alignment with international and EU standards. By directly embedding the technical expertise in the GoM, LEAP will provide long-term, sustainable mentoring and capacity building to empower host governments to lead and manage a One Health approach in Moldova.

COVID Emergency Response Activity under EpiC (Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control)
Implementer: FHI 360 
Project Period: 01/2023-03/2025
Projected Budget: $860,000

The U.S. government provides about 30 percent of the overall funding to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GF) and has contributed $3.5 billion to GF’s COVID-19 response mechanism (C19RM) worldwide. The GF procured five oxygen generating plants for the National TB Institute, a national-level hospital and two regional hospitals. USAID funded the EpiC program to collaborate with the GF’s primary recipient and GoM to support site preparation for the five oxygen plants, including building platforms, piping and connections from the plants to the facilities. The EpiC team provided technical assistance throughout the installation and the sites were officially completed and handed over in August 2024. EpiC will continue to provide technical assistance to support the procurement and delivery of additional oxygen-related consumables to the four facilities into Q2 of FY25.


Implementer: Johns Hopkins University
Project Period: 08/2022 - 07/2027
Projected Budget: Moldovan segment TBD

SMART4TB is a pharmaceutical study involving a new therapy regimen for rifampicin-resistant TB. The requisite study will be carried out by the Institute of Phthisiopneumology and TB in Chisinau.


Addressing Unmet Needs for Rehabilitation at Country Level 
Implementer: WHO Regional and Moldovan Offices
Project Period: 04/2023 - 03/2028
Projected Budget: $600,000

Implemented by the WHO with support from USAID’s Inclusive Development Hub, this effort aims to reduce unmet needs for rehabilitation (e.g., following strokes, heart attacks, and injuries). The project’s four objectives include: 1) create effective rehabilitation networks and advocacy; 2) increase policy-relevant rehabilitation information; 3) strengthen Ministry of Health rehabilitation leadership and planning with a focus on workforce; and 4) expand provision of quality rehabilitation with a focus on primary health care. Moldova is one of 20 countries being considered for inclusion in this project, and WHO is actively advocating for its inclusion.


USAID Moldova