

Extremely high youth unemployment in Kosovo, a country with the largest percentage of youth population in the Western Balkans, is a worrisome trend as the country aspires to European Union membership.  A fundamental mismatch between education and the skills needed for today’s jobs in Kosovo hampers young people seeking to join the workforce.  To better align education with the skills needed in today’s economy, USAID is partnering with the private sector to create effective skills training programs that will carve out pathways between training and high-value employment opportunities. Implemented by IREX, USAID’s five-year Private Sector-Led Workforce Development Activity will reduce unemployment, address youth brain drain, and catalyze sustainable economic growth across Kosovo.

USAID’s Mission Director Zeinah Salahi emphasized the important role the private sector must play in helping Kosovo grow its economy stating “the private sector is a positive economic and social transformative force that can help Kosovo flourish in meaningful ways, to benefit all communities throughout the country”.

Beyond skills training and matching qualified participants with jobs, the program supported the establishment of Sector Workforce Councils. These Councils provide the private sector with a unified voice to articulate skill requirements across various sectors, identify funding possibilities, and develop solutions. USAID anticipates working with over 40 local institutions to train over 11,000 people in market-driven, in-demand skills, with a particular focus on young people, women, and minorities. By partnering with already existing local groups, USAID will develop an enduring model for identifying the skills needed by local companies, providing relevant training to those seeking employment, and matching the trainees with jobs that help these companies to grow and contribute to the overall health of Kosovo’s economy.  

Private Sector Builds a Workforce Fit for the Future
USAIDKosovo Mission Director Zeinah Salahi (middle) at the establishment of the Sector Workforce Councils
Faton Hasani, USAIDKosovo
Kosovo Stories