Over the next five years, USAID Kenya and East Africa will partner with Kenyan communities to improve their resilience capacities; design and implement interventions which place citizens in the driver seat and foster inclusive market-based economic opportunities, and prioritize private sector engagement.  In partnering with Kenyan people, institutions, and organizations, the Mission expects that public leaders and key institutions will utilize resources transparently, local institutions will drive locally led development priorities, and citizens will actively expose corruption wherever it is found.

At the end of this five-year strategy, targeted counties are envisage that they will have grown their budgets and increased their own-source revenues; the GoK will plan for and mitigate environmental shocks and acute malnutrition; basic services will improve in quality and quantity; health systems will provide affordable access contributing toward reductions in new HIV infections and HIV-related mortality; primary school learning outcomes will improve; more youth will have skills to secure employment; and more Kenyans will graduate out of chronic vulnerability.

Communities bordering conservation landscapes will realize sustainable economic benefits, Kenya will meet its universal electrification target, and a thriving agro-processing sector will demand more raw material produce, leading to higher farmer incomes.