
In alignment with the U.S. Strategy for Addressing the Root Causes of Migration in Central America, USAID is working to inspire Hondurans, especially youth, to stay and invest in their future, by collaborating with the Government of Honduras, local organizations and the private sector to improve education and workforce development, spur inclusive economic growth, build resilience for climate change, prevent crime and violence, and advance in anti-corruption, transparency, and human rights efforts.

Successful partnerships with the public and private sector, including civil society, are inspiring other Honduran businesses to be powerful engines of growth and job creation in Honduras, and are particularly important drivers of innovation and youth engagement, making them critical partners in countering the economic insecurity that drives irregular migration to the United States.

Learn More:

Impact Evaluation of USAID's Crime and Violence Prevention Programs in Central America

Honduras Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2020-2025


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