
The new data-driven tool will strengthen Parliamentary oversight and support effective management of Georgia’s Universal Healthcare Program, resulting in better health outcomes and more transparent use of public funds.

USAID is using digital tools to help Georgia’s government agencies deliver public services in an effective, transparent, and accountable manner.

In March, USAID’s Good Governance Initiative provided the Healthcare and Social Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia with a web-based tool that will enable rigorous monitoring and evaluation of how public healthcare funds are spent. The platform surfaces data from two major state programs: Universal Healthcare; and Provision of Medicine for Treatment of Chronic Diseases. In addition to providing the tool itself, USAID’s Good Governance Initiative will train Committee members and their staff on its effective use.

With access to real-time data insights into Georgia’s healthcare spending, the Committee and other members of Parliament will be in a better position to carry out their Parliamentary oversight function, and use comprehensive data analysis to plan future policy interventions. As the tool accumulates more data in the coming years, it will become even more effective as a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the provision of public healthcare services in Georgia.


