Food for Peace Information Bulletins (FFPIBs) communicate announcements of or modifications to Food for Peace policies and procedures.
- FFPIB 19-03 Award Requirements for Source and Origin of Local, Regional, and International Procurement (LRIP)
- FFPIB 19-02 Procedure to Determine Compliance with the Conditions of the Bellmon Amendment
- FFPIB 19-01 Eligible Uses of Section 202(e); Internal Transportation, Storage and Handling; Inland Freight, Monetization Proceeds; and Community Development Funds for FFP Awards
- FFPIB 13-02 Adoption and Use of the Quarterly Web-Interfaced Commodity Reporting (QWICR) System for Quarterly Commodity Reporting Requirements for Title II Programs
- FFPIB 12-01 Establishment of a Micronutrient Fortification Program and Availability of Micronutrient Pre-Mix for Title II Food Aid Programs
- FFPIB 09-05 Commodity Price and Ocean Freight Rate Estimates Updates
For more information related to the revision of FFP indicators, visit Implementation and Reporting.